14/15th November Progress Meetings

We would like to invite you to make appointments to speak with members of the academic team via Zoom regarding your child(ren)'s progress so far this year. Our progress meetings are held online which allows us to provide greater accessibility for working parents, make the best use of time, and provide opportunities for parents to talk to staff who are often based across several campuses. 

Times and Dates

15.30 - 18.00 Thursday 14th November

8.20-16.00 Friday 15th November

Students will be working at home on Friday 15th. We would like to strongly encourage the participation of students in the Zoom progress meetings, where possible. However, we consider this day as a working day for the students, who will be provided with work to do. When they are not taking part in the Progress Meetings, their learning will be facilitated through our online learning platforms. 

Booking your appointments

To book your appointments, please use the following link. For this process to run smoothly, you will need to check with your child the names of his/her teachers.


In case the system requires an event code, it is kycnu. You will be sent a Zoom invitation for each individual teacher meeting once you submit the booking form. 

Here is a QR code that can be also used

To note

Preparing for Progress Meetings

Progress Meetings are an important opportunity for you to get feedback about how your child(ren) is progressing in their learning. With this in mind, we have put together a list of questions that might be useful for you in the preparation for the Progress Meetings, as well as questions that you might find useful to ask during the Progress Meetings. We hope that this is useful!